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Black Lives Matter

LIIF joins the millions of Americans and people across the world who are speaking out and standing up to say: Black lives matter.   To all Black people, we see your pain and recognize the burdens of systemic racism that you bear, not just in this moment, but every day. We hear the call for each…

LIIF Rejects Harmful Dialogue Used in COVID-19 Conversations

Dear Friends, We are just beginning to understand the depth and breadth of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus in our nation. We know that it may change lives and livelihoods in profound ways. LIIF is committed to doing all we can to continue to serve families and communities that are likely to be…

A Message from LIIF: COVID-19

All of us at LIIF have been monitoring the rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation, and we wanted to connect with you directly to share the steps we’re taking to keep our staff, borrowers, partners and communities safe. In an effort to support the well-being of our staff, LIIF has transitioned to a remote work arrangement on…

DHCD Financing Preserves and Produces Affordable Housing Units in Wards 5 and 8

The Washington, D.C. Department of Housing and Community Development has closed a $15.1 million loan from the Housing Production Trust Fund that will preserve 123 affordable housing units and produce new affordable housing units in Wards 5 and 8. LIIF acquisition financing helped TM Associates purchase the Hanover Court Apartments, where eight new affordable units…

LIIF Receives $3 Million Award from the District of Columbia Preservation Fund

LIIF is pleased to announce that we have been awarded $3 million from the District of Columbia Preservation Fund. The Fund provides quick access to short-term bridge, acquisition and pre-development financing for eligible borrowers to purchase and rehabilitate occupied building with more than five units. At least 50 percent of units must be currently affordable…