Dear Friends,
We are just beginning to understand the depth and breadth of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus in our nation. We know that it may change lives and livelihoods in profound ways. LIIF is committed to doing all we can to continue to serve families and communities that are likely to be the hardest hit in the wake of the pandemic. Amid this uncertainty, we have been heartened to see the ways in which people and organizations have risen to meet this challenge, offered assistance and put others before themselves.
We call on all people, and specifically our public officials, to reject efforts to stigmatize or scapegoat groups of people during this time. Language that attaches specific ethnicities to the virus, or foments fear, division or outright racism, is irresponsible at best and dangerous at worst.
This crisis has underscored more than ever that we are all connected and only as safe as the most vulnerable among us. We commit to working with our communities, peers and partners to weather this tremendous challenge together.
Thank you,
Daniel A. Nissenbaum