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Early Care and Education Tools for Providers and Agencies

Our most popular resources.

Bridge Child Care Handbook

A guide with strategies on co-location of child care facilities within affordable housing.

Too Expensive, and Not Expensive Enough: Investing in Child Care to Strengthen South Dakota’s Economy

LIIF’s Joe Fretwell reports on the economics and state of child care in South Dakota. This paper includes outputs of a financial model for assessing the capacity of child care providers to increase pay for staff and qualify for debt for facilities projects. Policy recommendations are included on strategies South Dakota could take to improve business operations and bolster financial sustainability of the early care and education sector.

Including Family Child Care in Affordable Housing: Policy, Design and Financing Considerations

This guide outlines key design, financing and policy considerations for developers, policymakers and ECE operators to support enhanced and coordinated efforts to co-locate family child care with affordable housing.

Quality Environments for Children: A Design and Development Guide for Child Care and Early Education Facilities

A guide that offers ECE operators, architects and developers tips on how to work together on each phase of a facilities project (planning, design and construction) to create high-quality ECE facilities.

Building for Equity: National Early Care and Education Practitioners Advisory Committee

In August 2022, the Low Income Investment Fund (LIIF) launched a National Early Care and Education Practitioners Advisory Committee (NEPAC) as part of its efforts to center the voices of providers. The group comprises leaders in the early care and education (ECE) field who have successfully used LIIF grant funds in the past.

The U.S. Early Years Climate Action Plan

From Capita and the Aspen Institute. LIIF’s Angie Garling was part of the Task Force.

Niños que prosperan, comunidades saludables, y una nación más fuerte: Plan de acción para la primera infancia en EE. UU.n