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LIIF Expression of Solidarity in Response to Jacksonville Shooting 

Over the weekend, while civil rights champions commemorated the 60th anniversary of the historic March on Washington, once again Black community members’ lives were taken by a bigoted shooter. This time the racist attack took place in New Town, a predominantly Black community in Jacksonville, Florida – ultimately at a store, after a foiled attempt…

LIIF Applauds New Executive Order to Advance Racial Equity and Strengthen Support for Underserved Communities

“Despite the meaningful progress that the Biden-Harris Administration has made, the reality is that underserved communities — many of whom have endured generations of discrimination and disinvestment — still confront unacceptable barriers to equal opportunity and the American Dream.”   Those words from President Biden’s latest Executive Order (EO) say it all – and perfectly align…

East Buffalo Attack: A Reminder of the Work Still Required

Our thoughts are with those who lost family members, friends and neighbors in the racist attack that took the lives of ten innocent people in East Buffalo — the result of a person inspired by white supremacist ideals. As an organization, we committed to centering social justice and racial equity in our approach to community…

In Spite of This Week’s Latest Attack, Democracy is Prevailing

The insurrection at the Capitol building in Washington, D.C. yesterday was a sinister attack on democracy and counter to the principles for which LIIF stands. We strongly condemn the mob violence incited by anti-patriotic falsehoods aimed at discrediting a valid presidential election and the will of the people. Today, we are more resolved than ever…

Democracy, Decency and Diversity Prevail in 2020 Election

With the results of this contentious election now clear, we have affirmed that the essence of our country — democracy, decency and diversity — will prevail. We congratulate President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, who represents many firsts as a Black and Indian American woman at the highest level of our government. The…

Black Lives Matter

LIIF joins the millions of Americans and people across the world who are speaking out and standing up to say: Black lives matter.   To all Black people, we see your pain and recognize the burdens of systemic racism that you bear, not just in this moment, but every day. We hear the call for each…

LIIF Rejects Harmful Dialogue Used in COVID-19 Conversations

Dear Friends, We are just beginning to understand the depth and breadth of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus in our nation. We know that it may change lives and livelihoods in profound ways. LIIF is committed to doing all we can to continue to serve families and communities that are likely to be…

A Message from LIIF: COVID-19

All of us at LIIF have been monitoring the rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation, and we wanted to connect with you directly to share the steps we’re taking to keep our staff, borrowers, partners and communities safe. In an effort to support the well-being of our staff, LIIF has transitioned to a remote work arrangement on…