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LIIF and Partners Announce Launch of Better Child Care NYC

LIIF has joined 20 business, labor and nonprofit groups to launch Better Child Care NYC, a coalition focused on policies to increase child care access for New York City families.

Read the press release.

Read the World Today News article.

Leer artículo de El Diario La Prensa (en español).

With 25 years of impact in the sector and a focus on scaling our early care and education (ECE) work across New York City’s five boroughs, we are excited and proud to join visionary leaders from business, labor and other nonprofits as part of this new collective impact initiative, Better Child Care NYC. We are aligned in our belief that policy interventions that support facilities development and improve conditions for families – running the gamut from increasing tax credits and extending hours to allowing centers above ground floors and streamlining the permit process – will ensure access to affordable, high-quality ECE for all New York City families and children, no matter their ZIP code.

LIIF ECE Vice President, Advisory and State Policy Shelly Masur
Early Care and Education