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Video Released Celebrating a Decade of Success of the Golden State Acquisition Fund (GSAF)

This Golden State Acquisition Fund (GSAF) video celebrates a decade of success via the synergy of a public-private partnership fostering innovation in California’s affordable housing sector. The numbers tell the story: With initial State funding of just $23 million, the revolving GSAF loan fund has spurred the creation of 10,000 affordable homes via 100 projects in 10 years.

GSAF partners:

  • California Department of Housing and Community Development (State)
  • Low Income Investment Fund (fund administrator)
  • Century Housing
  • Community Vision
  • Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH)
  • Enterprise Community Partners
  • Housing Trust Silicon Valley
  • Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC)
  • Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC)

Watch video.

GSAF’s 10 Years of Impact in California





Affordable Housing